Hey world, long time no talk. Really long time no talk. In fact I don't remember what my last post even contained. I've been incredibly busy as of late. So here is going to be my attempt at a "quick" redux of my life in the last year? Really honestly I don't know when I posted last.
Phillius Files
This blog is going places...
Dear Blog World
Posted by Phillius Files Tuesday, May 4, 2010 at 9:57 PM
Tickets, Food, and Feet
Posted by Phillius Files Sunday, February 8, 2009 at 11:52 PM
Hello Blogsphere,
It's been a while... It's actually been a freakishly long time. The only things that I've updated since getting back from my winter break is my facebook and my twitter. That being said I've made some friends on Twitter, and purged some from my facebook. I've not had a ton of time lately to update my anything (mostly my youtube) cuz I've had school work.
This quarter I've got 5 classes but only 12 credits. It's a really challenging quarter if for nothing else. Basically my Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays are pretty open. But on Tuesdays and Thursdays I've got class from 9am till 12pm then I get to hurry off to my Scottish Country Dancing Class (which is really really fun.) Then I get a nice little break for an hour. Then I hurry of to drawing naked people for another three hours. Which puts me at finishing classes at 5. But wait it doesn't stop there. I have two clubs that I'm a part of and both of them happen to meet on Tuesday nights. Needless to say those are the days that kill me just a little bit.
So this post is called Tickets, Food, and Feet. I'm sure you're wondering, "What do all of these have to do with each other?!" Well it's really a simple answer. Tickets, because I don't know that I ever talked about the speeding ticket I got way the heck back in October... Well anyway, I got a ticket nway the heck back in October, and it was in a school zone which sucks cuz it makes the ticket double to a crazy fee! So anyway, on Friday I went and contested it. Which was a good idea in theory, but didn't really help me in the end since I still had to pay it. So that covers the ticket.
Um... Food is just in there cuz lets face it. I'm a growing college student and who doesn't love food! I've been eating a lot lately.
And that brings us to FEET... So the night before I went to contest my ticket I decided to have a nice relaxing night with some friends. One of them dropped that we should go to IHOP - which was a lovely idea. I then had the maybe not as lovely idea to hop into IHOP, all my friends were on board so we hopped into IHOP. Because that's what one does... And then for the rest of the night for some reason my foot felt off. Like it needed to pop or something. For the last couple of days it turned from feeling like it needed to pop to feeling like it had popped. So then I was talking to my dad about it and he was like, "yeah it's possible you sprained it, or maybe even fractured it." For those of you following along at home. My dad is a Chiropractor, which makes him pretty well qualified on this topic. So anyway that's my foot story... It's now sitting here swollen and slightly black and blue.
But enough about me. What's going on with you?!
Peace and Love
So for my ID class...
Posted by Phillius Files Wednesday, January 7, 2009 at 4:40 PM
We have to turn in about 5 fully rendered game controllers. My professor wants us to throw a logo down in the corner as if we are marketing these to the company. Now I'm sure that most people threw in an X-box logo or something along those lines, but I do my best to stay away from the norm. Enter the ATARI Jaguar - it's actually an early concept for Atari that was going to use discs. I thought it was cool enough and threw together this logo. Which I'm pretty proud of.Anyway, yeah I'm back in school and loving it!
Sockets, Presentations, and Computers!
Posted by Phillius Files Tuesday, December 9, 2008 at 11:38 AM
I really shouldn't bring my computer onto campus with me. It's a really bad idea since I have a really hard time paying attention while I can be surfing the net for that next awesome webpage!
So last night I was sitting in my room and all of the sudden I popped my knee out of it's socket. This is something that I used to do a bunch, but the last time I did it I was like 14. Having had past experience with sockets popping out I gingerly popped my knee back into place and went merrily (albeit sorely) on my way. It took me about a half hour to realize that I'm that weird kid who dislocates something and then pops it back into place as it nothing happened. This all happened last night - and my knee is still sore.
Any of my readers should be really thankful that I have a low tolerance for gross images. I really wanted to put a picture of a dislocated knee up, but I just couldn't do it! If you really want to see images of what it looks like google it!
And presentations... As I've said I need to not bring my computer into class because I'm having the hardest time paying attention to other peoples presentations! So anyway, enough about me how's your day going?
Peace and Love,
Ps. 5 days till New York!
Portfolios, Junk, and Wizard Rock!
Posted by Phillius Files Monday, December 8, 2008 at 11:57 AM
So I really need to be working on my portfolio since it's due in about three hours, but instead I'm updating this here thing-a-ma-jigger!
So I have a guilty obsession... Wizard Rock - or Wrock as the kids have come to calling it. It's amazing. It's all music that has been inspired by Harry Potter. I'm a big musical theater nerd and a big Harry Potter fan. Most Wrock has a very narrative style about it which is why, I'm sure, I love it... Anyway enough about that take a looksy at this!
Rendering into Oblivion!
Posted by Phillius Files Tuesday, December 2, 2008 at 1:40 AM
So I'm just now getting the opportunity to head off to bed after a really long night of rendering toaster ovens... If there is one thing that I don't ever care to see again toaster ovens would be that thing!
I'm so hungry right now I need protein, but I'm almost to tired to pop off this uncomfy couch and make myself a 1:45 snack.
One more thing...
Peace and Love
Ps. I got chased by one of campus' many creatures today - a raccoon... did anybody ever warn me that I might get close to being assaulted by those furballs? NOPE! In all actuality it really wasn't anywhere near me, but it makes for a much better story if I say it tried to attack me!
Good night Moon!
Sasha Is Pretty Fierce
Posted by Phillius Files Sunday, November 30, 2008 at 3:49 PM
Just finished listening to Beyonce's new album... it was really good! I was not disappointed It was pretty rockin!
Oh and I finished my Spanish Paper...
And my mom just got back from running a Half Marathon!