This blog is going places...

Sockets, Presentations, and Computers!

I really shouldn't bring my computer onto campus with me. It's a really bad idea since I have a really hard time paying attention while I can be surfing the net for that next awesome webpage!

So last night I was sitting in my room and all of the sudden I popped my knee out of it's socket. This is something that I used to do a bunch, but the last time I did it I was like 14. Having had past experience with sockets popping out I gingerly popped my knee back into place and went merrily (albeit sorely) on my way. It took me about a half hour to realize that I'm that weird kid who dislocates something and then pops it back into place as it nothing happened. This all happened last night - and my knee is still sore.

Any of my readers should be really thankful that I have a low tolerance for gross images. I really wanted to put a picture of a dislocated knee up, but I just couldn't do it! If you really want to see images of what it looks like google it!

And presentations... As I've said I need to not bring my computer into class because I'm having the hardest time paying attention to other peoples presentations! So anyway, enough about me how's your day going?

Peace and Love,

Ps. 5 days till New York!

Portfolios, Junk, and Wizard Rock!

So I really need to be working on my portfolio since it's due in about three hours, but instead I'm updating this here thing-a-ma-jigger!

So I have a guilty obsession... Wizard Rock - or Wrock as the kids have come to calling it. It's amazing. It's all music that has been inspired by Harry Potter. I'm a big musical theater nerd and a big Harry Potter fan. Most Wrock has a very narrative style about it which is why, I'm sure, I love it... Anyway enough about that take a looksy at this!

Rendering into Oblivion!

So I'm just now getting the opportunity to head off to bed after a really long night of rendering toaster ovens... If there is one thing that I don't ever care to see again toaster ovens would be that thing!

I'm so hungry right now I need protein, but I'm almost to tired to pop off this uncomfy couch and make myself a 1:45 snack.

One more thing...


Peace and Love

Ps. I got chased by one of campus' many creatures today - a raccoon... did anybody ever warn me that I might get close to being assaulted by those furballs? NOPE! In all actuality it really wasn't anywhere near me, but it makes for a much better story if I say it tried to attack me!

Good night Moon!